Tuesday 26 September 2017

Perspectives | Kill Bill and Postmodernity

Image result for kill bill

5 Reasons Kill Bill is a postmodern film:

1. One example is the animated segment in the middle of the film as it is completely different from the rest of the film.

2. The music is another example as it often doesn't match what is being shown on screen.

3. The amount of genre's covered in the film are also an example of it's postmodernism as the film switches genre many times.

4. The reversal of the gender roles throughout the film are an example of postmodernity.

5. The lack of realism, over the course of the film any sense of realism is broken down until things become bizarre and you're made aware that you're watching a fictional piece.

Monday 25 September 2017

Perspectives | Postmodernism Word Definitions

High Modernism: A form of modernity that believes in science and technological progress.

Capitalist: Someone who uses wealth to invest in industry for profit along with the principles of capitalism.

Superabundance: Exceedingly or excessively abundant, more than sufficient.

Disconnected: Lacking contact with reality, lacking a logical sequence.

Fragmentary: Consisting of small disconnected or incomplete parts.

Pop: Short for Popular Culture; Idea's, thoughts and Images making up mainstream media.

Superficiality: Lack of thoroughness, depth of character or serious thought.

Simulacra: An image or representation of someone or something. An unflattering imitation of=r replica.

Eclectic nostalgia: A sense of nostalgia caused by things imitating the past.

Flippant: Not showing a serious or respectful attitude.

Depthless: Shallow and superficial, too deep to be measured.

Pastiche: An artistic work or style that imitated another work, artist or period.

Bricolage: Something created from a diverse range of things.

Aleatory: Depending on the throw of a dice or chance; random.

Fabulation: Creating stories, particularly with elements of fantasy.

Life Drawing | 21

20 minutes, Marker

20 Minutes, Marker

During this session I decided I would like to focus on anatomy throughout the life drawing sessions this year, to this end it was recommended to me that I look at some of Leonardo da Vinci's works. I found his studies to be interesting and enjoyed looking through them a lot.

My favourite's were the below as I enjoyed the way they looked at the skeleton and muscle structures as I feel that understanding the parts of the body may help me better understand the way it moves.

Studies - Leonardo da Vinci